Club Info
Here you can find information about the club and all we do for the dog community
Tarri Sorenson, Training Instructor
(605) 787-0157
Classes Offered:
Puppy Classes (10-16 weeks old)
Basic skills, sit-down-recall-stay, puppy play time
Good Behavior (5 months and up)
Basic skills for a well behaved companion
Canine Good Citizen Certification
Certifies that your dog has demonstrated the skills necessary
as a well behaved dog to earn the certification
Farm Dog Certification
Certifies that your dog has demonstrated the skills necessary
in a rural environment to earn the certification
Canine Urban Good Citizen
Certifies that your dog has demonstrated the skills necessary
in an Urban environment to earn certification
Rally Novice
AKC competition class to earn a title in Rally Novice
Companion Dog
AKC competition class to earn a title in Obedience

You must fill this out and return BEFORE class begins

K-9 Extravaganza July 19-21 2024
The Rapid City Kennel Club, Inc. and K-9 STAC Boarding, Training & Sporting Complex are having a K-9 Extravaganza with dock diving, fast CAT, farm dog, trick dog, and canine good citizen!
LINK to Enter Fast CAT: www.harmonydogsports.com/rckc-entries
LINK to Enter Dock Diving Fun Day: https://form.jotform.com/241288299370163
To Enter CGC, Trick Dog and Farm Dog Tests: Go to the RCKC ONLINE STORE

Everyone interested in dogs is encouraged to apply.
Potential Members must be present for two meetings where their
application is read, prior to their application being voted upon.
We hold our General Membership Meeting at 7pm, on the 4th Wednesday of odd numbered months
January, March, May, July, September, plus October
(no meeting Nov or Dec)
Please see our facebook page for location - Guests Welcome!

RCKC Code Of Ethics
1. I will consider the welfare of my dogs above personal gain or profit.
2. I will maintain the best possible standards of sanitation, health, and general care for my dogs.
3. I will comply with all American Kennel Club rules and regulations.
4. I will attempt to always exhibit good sportsmanship and conduct myself in a manner representative of the principles
upon which this club is founded. I will not speak unjustly of others in the Breeds, nor of their dogs, nor of their kennels.
5. I will pledge to help educate the public in the Standards of the AKC breeds and will help the novice whenever I can
with grooming, training, breeding, and general care.
6. As a breeder, I will attempt to breed for the improvement of the Breed as exemplified by the AKC Standard of the
7. I will refuse stud service to any unregistered bitch, to any bitch I consider in poor health, of unsound temperament, or
having physical limiting hereditary faults.
8. In cases where a dog’s or puppy’s health or confirmation are unknown to be such as to indicate that breeding of that
animal would be detrimental to the welfare of the Breeds,
9. I will exercise discernment in withholding papers or retaining breeder’s rights, or sell only under the condition that the
dog be spayed or neutered by mutual written agreement.
10. I will fairly represent to the purchaser any stock offered for sale, and will not use misleading or untruthful statements
in selling or advertising. The use of sales contracts is recommended to cover any guarantees and agreements relative to
the sale with signed copies to each party involved.
11. I will not knowingly sell or donate dogs or puppies to commercial dog wholesalers or retailers, or unethical breeders,
nor will I sell to any buyers where I have reason to believe that the puppy or dog will not be properly cared for. Further, I
will not sell to anyone in litter lots for resale, nor will I solicit litters for resale.